Bad Breath …. why and what to do about it.

We have all experienced someone with bad breath (halitosis) during conversation. Sometimes we don’t even have to get close to the other person to smell it. Unfortunately, many times the person with the offending breath isn’t even aware of the problem. A variety of things can cause offensive mouth odors, including food sources, systemic diseases and of course, gum disease.

Food sources that cause bad breath, like garlic and onions, etc. generally cause odors similar to the food and are temporary in nature, unless the exposure to the food is frequent. Systemic health issues, can also cause breath malodors. For example, diabetes can cause a mouth odor that smells fruity or like acetone due to the changes in production of ketones. Acid reflux and medical issues like Sjogren’s disease that causes dryness can also result in bad breath. Locally, things like yeast infections related to piercings and wearing dentures without cleaning or removing them properly is a possible source as well.

The most common reason for chronic (not transient) bad breath, however, is gum disease, which can be generally broken down into two categories. Put in simplified terms, gingivitis is inflammation of the gum tissue and can come in mild or severe forms. It is commonly due to less than ideal oral hygiene. The more serious category of gum disease is called periodontitis. It involves both the gums and the bone which supports your teeth. Severe periodontitis can result in loss of bone around your teeth and in some cases, loss of teeth. basically, if the crevice (pocket) between the tooth and gum is not cleaned well, it accumulates debris and bacteria. Essentially, bacteria breaks down things found in the fluid in the pockets, like proteins. The result is inflammation of the gums, damage to the bone around and between teeth and the production of volatile sulfur compounds that smell bad. Masking the odor with gum, mouthwashes or something else won’t fix the problem, it will just make it less noticeable.

Ok – what to do about it ? Firstly, if you notice that a friend or family member has chronic bad breath, don’t be embarrassed … tell them. They might not realize it and will be doing them a favor in the long run. They could have a health issue or gum disease which could cause loss of teeth. If the bad breath is your problem, the answer is simple – see your dentist. Most times, a thorough exam and some x-rays can help identify the source of the halitosis. if gum disease is the culprit, dental care and regular visits can help control the problem and improve your dental health. If you or someone you know has chronic bad breath, don’t delay, get it checked out, treat it and you will hopefully avoid bigger problems in the future.