Chewing Sugarless Gum May Help Prevent Tooth Decay

A number of research projects over the years have indicated that chewing sugarless gum has some benefit for oral health.  Recently an article was published that reviewed a dozen research studies of chewing sugarless gum done over a period of 50 years.  The results indicated a significant impact on reducing dental decay.  The American Dental Association has information on its website regarding this topic.  Chewing sugarless gum apparently has a number of positive effects on the oral environment.  The physical act of chewing (especially after meals) stimulates saliva flow, potentially helping to neutralize and wash away damaging acids that could break down enamel.  Saliva also contributes proteins to enamel, helping to provide a protective layer on the surface of teeth.  It can also help clear acid in the esophagus for people with reflux issues.  Chewing gum is a compliment to your routine dental hygiene, but is not a substitute for either brushing or flossing.

Keep in mind though, that even sugarless gums with citrus flavors can increase acidity in your mouth and there are some chemical additives to many of these products used to provide a sweetener to replace the sugar that is not present.  Just like anything else you might put in your body, read the label to be sure what you are getting in the product.  The ADA provides its Seal of Acceptance only for chewing gums that are sugar-free.